Chris Wingfield

Chris Wingfield
Associate Professor in the Arts of Africa

BA (Hons), Archaeology & Anthropology; MPhil, Material Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, University of Oxford, PhD, University of Birmingham, FRAI

Chris Wingfield works on the history of collections and collecting, with a particular focus on British missionaries and anthropologists during the long 19th century. An experienced curator who has worked at the Pitt Rivers Museum, Birmingham Museum & Arts Gallery, as well as the Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology in Cambridge, he is interested in understanding the ways in which museums played a role in developing European understandings of other parts of the world.

His edited books include: Trophies, Relics and Curios? Missionary Heritage from Africa and the Pacific (2015) and The Pasts and Presence of Art in South Africa: Technologies, Ontologies and Agents (2020), and his experimental digital monograph, Argonauts of the Eastern Atlantic (, was begun started in 2022.  Since 2024, he has also been Associate Editor of the Journal of the History of Collections.

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