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PhD Programme
The SRU provides opportunities and scholarships for candidates who wish to conduct research leading to the award of a PhD (normal duration 3-4 years) on a topic within the SRU's fields of expertise. Candidates are supervised by two members of faculty. The principal requirement of the PhD degree is a thesis (100,000 words maximum), that usually involves library/archival research and/or fieldwork and/or collections-based research. For PhD students there are regular personal supervisions, group seminars and extensive training and internship opportunities.
Subjects studied by PhD candidates at the SRU have included topics focusing on Tanzania, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Zambia, Aotearoa New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji, French Polynesia, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, West Papua, Mariana Islands, Australia, Hawaii, Canada, USA, Antilles, Mesoamerica, Brazil and Peru. Other topics have been on themes such as the history of collections, missionary publications, etc.
Doctoral students have gone on to careers in higher education, research institutions and museums, including several national museums. Potential doctoral candidates are encouraged to contact the SRU Admissions Office or an appropriate member of faculty to discuss their project and research interests at the earliest opportunity.
Applicants should have a good undergraduate degree in anthropology, archaeology, art history or a related subject, and also preferably have, or be about to complete, a Masters level degree.
Enquiries concerning any aspect of the SRU PhD application process are welcome. Please contact the SRU Admissions Office.
The consortium of universities to which UEA belongs, CHASE (Consortium for Humanities and the Arts South-East), offers scholarships across the consortium for PhD students. To be eligible to be considered in the next application cycle, a PhD application should be submitted by 12 December 2025, for entry in October 2026. Both UK and International applicants are eligible to apply. Please contact a prospective SRU supervisor in the first instance to discuss your proposal and suitability for PhD study. Later applications may be considered until 20 March 2026, but can only be considered for SRU scholarship funding (not CHASE funding).
More immediately, applications for entry in October 2025 can be considered until 20 March 2025.
Application is via the online form below: